So many women are taught by their cultures that they must always speak with soft tones of kindness, with consideration for the feelings of others. I truly believe in showing compassion and judging little or not at all, but there are times when we have something of true importance to say, and we just have to shout, yell if you will and allow our passion to show in our words. In this way we claim our boundaries, teach the things that need to be taught. They may be yells turned up in volume or ... Continue reading ...
I am passionate about being an artist, teacher and healer; I work shamanically, often being guided very specifically to use certain colors and shapes, images or techniques in my art, adding words that are given to me as well. I am compelled to do this work and see it as a tool for the assistance of others in their own journeys. It is the work of my life, My Heart’s Path. I enjoy doing it more than anything else there is.
While I use the term healer, I am really more like a guide who can bring others to portals, to mirrors that allow them to create their own healing processes and changes. No one person really heals another without that person’s input. It has been the most amazing journey of my life to come to an awareness and knowing of these gifts and how I am able to use them.
Thus my intent for all of my art is to offer beautiful food to our souls and create aids for new ways to heal and solve our problems. Many of the most ancient processes and ways of leaning about our lives and selves are also among the newest ways. The finger labyrinths I have created are a wonderful example of this. Using readings based on the Power Deck and Soul Cards as teachings rather than fore-tellings is another method of helping us to SEE ourselves and areas of our lives and behaviors we may wish to change.
Everyday is another chapter of learning for me. I am so grateful for this journey I am on and must credit my teachers and mentors over the years, especially Lynn Andrews and her School of Sacred Arts and Training. Truly my life is alive with mystery and magic in a very special sense of those words and I feel blessed to be able to SEE in so many new ways.